Archive | May, 2011

Adios Weight Plateau!!

11 May

Well I am definitely overdue on this posting!

I was procrastinating a bit because I knew it was time to update on my weightloss and I was on a plateau for 3 weeks!!! Was a little ashamed to write it down because I know I was the culprit and reason for it happening!

As most of you know I am on a journey to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. I have lost 15 lbs and was being coached by two life coaches(peers from ICA) that were supporting me. I was off to a very good start and building up a lot of motivation. But the last 3 weeks, or really almost a month I have teetered on the same damn kilo or 2 lbs.  I finished coaching with one of my coaches and think that maybe I was feeling like it was ‘break time’. I stopped some of the great habits I had put into place like eating more slowly, eating from smaller dishes so that my portions would be more controlled and letting myself splurge a bit on bread and too much yogurt. Happily, I didn’t go up in weight but I wasn’t feeling so great about having to blog about not losing either!

Anyway, today I lost!! I finally lost a kilo! I realized last Sat when talking with my coach that if I didn’t put some of those structures back into place that I was going no where. I started to record what I was eating, and get more active and cut my portions to more of what my body needs and not just what it wants. (Although tonight, I had way more chicken than my body needed!!)

I am on and off with some of the changes I have put into place but there is one thing that stays in place, and that is, wanting to be healthier and in control of my eating. The working out is enjoyable for me…love taking long walks with Daniel or Minu. It will get even better when I am back in Canada and have a swimming pool nearby and a gym where I will feel comfortable to work out in the winter. It is so urban here that finding a natural, rugged place to walk isn’t walking distance from where I am.  As for the eating…I love food! I tend to comfort myself with it and too much of it and so I am finding ways to treat my emotions differently. I eat out of boredom and tend to binge when alone. I have gotten a hold of these bad habits but sometimes I give in to them and it keeps me on a  plateau and  worries me that the pattern of losing a bit and than gaining it back will be what comes out of this.

So, I am putting even more structures into place. I got another coach because my other coach will be finishing with me this Sat. I feel that I need that accountability and so I am going to make use of the wonderful coaches I have access to at ICA. I am also tracking all my positive actions each week and that helps me to feel motivated. I have this chart I  put on the fridge called Magnificent Magnets , which was inspired by my coach Michelle…I put a magnet on the chart for everything good I have done for that day and at the end of the week I add it works and keeps me wanting to add more magnets which keeps me in action to getting to my goal. I have also started to listen to subliminal tracks which are in the form of the sound of nature, like ocean waves or rain or even a silent option. They helped my coach to lose 4 lbs in a week! So Hello..I am giving them a try! Just started last night and we shall see if they make a difference. Really it is just positive affirmations about the ability to lose weight that are made subliminally…if it does work, I should see some weight drop off Daniel, who by the way, has not an ounce of fat to lose but is in the room when I am playing the tracks!

Bottom line, I want to be patient, see this as a life change, and put structures into place that will help me gain control and lose the weight and be more active on a regular basis.

Had a pair of jeans on today that I haven’t been able to fit comfortably in for at least 2 years! They were still pinching me a bit and giving me a slight muffin top. Sitting in them was not pretty to say the least! But I put them on and wore them for more motivation…by the end of the day I was dying to get them off! hehe!  I will start visualizing them to be very loose and soon too big to wear!  That in itself is motivating…and I have some smaller pairs that still have the tags on and are waiting for me to fit into them. All of these things help to keep me psyched and feeling positive.  I know how important this journey is with its ups and its downs and every step of the way I am learning to choose and make my life the way I want it. That does take a lot of weight off anyone’s shoulders!