Archive | April, 2012

Dieting Sucks, Give Me a Cupcake!!

10 Apr


Dieting Sucks, Give Me a Cupcake!!.

Spring Fling That Weight Off!

10 Apr


 Spring Fling That Weight Off!.

Spring Fling That Weight Off!

9 Apr

ImageFinally the weather has warmed up to the point where it may be too warm for sweaters and jackets. Which means lighter and more revealing clothes have been pulled out and ready to wear. I say this with some I am about 5lbs up from my initial weight loss. I have been maintaining the 25lbs I lost 6 months ago..but being up 5lbs doesn’t feel all that great and has some of the lighter clothes feeling snug.

I would actually like to lose 50lbs more. But that will be a slow process without a traditional diet of sorts and no extremes or deprivation. I say this because all the times I have crash dieted or reduced my calories extremely or cut out food groups, and lost weight: I gained it all back. This last time, I lost weight by going slow and steady and that is what I want to do once more.

So why the six month lull of no weight loss? Not sure. I like to hibernate somewhat in the winter and be snuggly with a blanket and book. I just wasn’t that active. Also, I comforted myself with food and believed that maintaining was enough. With that, I am looking forward, going with the new motivation I feel now and not regretting the past.

The hard parts: Portions…I like to eat..a lot. The recommended portions seem teeny-tiny some days..I also like calorie-laden foods like muesli..almost 400cals a cup!!  I love bagels, all sorts of breads, cheese and peanut butter. However, I like the light stuff too…love fruit, water, salads and fish. So, I need to do some substituting. More fruit, less muesli in the bowl, bagels are out and will be substituted with whole grain bread, low fat milk in cereal instead of whole, and finally, no more trips to the bakery(it worked last time!).

I have also started walking more. Walking is the perfect work out for me, as my knees are in a bad state. I just love walking outdoors.  I am grateful to have a walking buddy, whom I walk with 3~4 times a week. I also have my dog who needs as much exercise as I do and is also overweight. Both companions are always up to go and a good motivation for I am good at talking myself out of things if I don’t feel like doing them!

I have my Magnificent Magnets on my fridge. It’s a chart where I track all the good things I have done that day towards a healthier lifestyle. Some of these things are tracking food, exercising, feeling energized, portion control, keeping my calories to the recommended amount, and mindfulness with food prep and eating. Each day, I mark activity with a magnet if I have been successful. It shows my progress for that week and where I have done well and where I need to improve. And it really works to motivate!

I lost one pound yesterday! So I am on my way!  I want things to keep going and work with the motivation I feel from this beautiful spring weather.

9 Ways to Stop Comfort Eating and Cravings!

8 Apr


9 Ways to Stop Comfort Eating and Cravings!.

4 Keys To Successful Weight loss!

8 Apr


4 Keys To Successful Weight loss!.

My Weight Loss Wins! Beating cravings and losing weight

8 Apr


My Weight Loss Wins! Beating cravings and losing weight.

10 Ways To Lose Weight This Spring!

8 Apr


10 Ways To Lose Weight This Spring!.

9 Foods You Think are Healthy….They Aren’t!!

8 Apr


 9 Foods You Think are Healthy….They Aren’t!!.

Is Your Mood Stopping you from Losing Weight!?

8 Apr


Is Your Mood Stopping you from Losing Weight!?.

10 Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss! Only 5% of Dieters Do!

8 Apr



10 Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss! Only 5% of Dieters Do!.